Beautiful Broken Things(Beautiful Broken Things #1)(49)

So anyway. She’s got a meeting with Mr Henriksen (thats our head of year, Cads), so we’ll see how it goes. If it doesnt work the suspension is for the rest of the week, so I’ll be back at school by Monday anyway. Sarah says I have to go to the cafe with her so she can keep an eye on me for the rest of the week, and I’m not allowed to see anyone, including you two. Thats basically my punishment, but it could be loads worse.

We’re still on for Lev’s party though, right? Thank God I didnt tell Sarah about it before, because she def wouldnt let me go if she knew. She just thinks I’m staying at yours on Saturday, Roz, which is basically true.

OK, that’s pretty much it. Send me lots of texts and stuff until the weekend otherwise I’ll be lonely :(

Lots of love xxxx

Wednesday 13.18

From: Rosie Caron {[email protected]}

To: Suzanne Watts {[email protected]}; Caddy Oliver {[email protected]}

Are you sure it’s a good idea to go to the party, Suze? Dylan will be there.


Wednesday 13.20

From: Suzanne Watts {[email protected]}

To: Rosie Caron {[email protected]}; Caddy Oliver {[email protected]}

Why not?

Wednesday 13.22

From: Rosie Caron {[email protected]}

To: Suzanne Watts {[email protected]}; Caddy Oliver {[email protected]}

Suze, come on.

Wednesday 13.25

From: Suzanne Watts {[email protected]}

To: Rosie Caron {[email protected]}; Caddy Oliver {[email protected]}

Why should I not go because of him? He shouldn’t go coz of me.

Wednesday 13.30

From: Rosie Caron {[email protected]}

To: Suzanne Watts {[email protected]}; Caddy Oliver {[email protected]}

Maybe, but that’s not what will happen.

What if you go and get really upset or something? What if he’s a dick again?

Wednesday 13.32

From: Suzanne Watts {[email protected]}

To: Rosie Caron {[email protected]}; Caddy Oliver {[email protected]}

I’m not going to talk to him or anything, I’m not an idiot.

Wednesday 13.35

From: Rosie Caron {[email protected]}

To: Suzanne Watts {[email protected]}; Caddy Oliver {[email protected]}

I know, but you’ll be drunk, probs. What if he’s all nice to you and you think it’s a good idea to get back with him?

Wednesday 13.36

From: Suzanne Watts {[email protected]}

To: Rosie Caron {[email protected]}; Caddy Oliver {[email protected]}

Is that really what you think of me?

Wednesday 13.38

From: Rosie Caron {[email protected]}

To: Suzanne Watts {[email protected]}; Caddy Oliver {[email protected]}

Don’t be like that, I’m just worrying about you.

Wednesday 13.39

From: Suzanne Watts {[email protected]}

To: Rosie Caron {[email protected]}; Caddy Oliver {[email protected]}

Well don’t.

Wednesday 13.40

From: Rosie Caron {[email protected]}

To: Suzanne Watts {[email protected]}; Caddy Oliver {[email protected]}

Oh fine, forget it.

Wednesday 13.41

From: Suzanne Watts {[email protected]}

To: Rosie Caron {[email protected]}; Caddy Oliver {[email protected]}


Wednesday 16.04

From: Caddy Oliver {[email protected]}

To: Suzanne Watts {[email protected]}; Rosie Caron {[email protected]}

Um. So . . . are we still on for Saturday?

Wednesday 16.17

From: Suzanne Watts {[email protected]}

To: Caddy Oliver {[email protected]}; Rosie Caron {[email protected]}

Yeah. You two can be my chaperones.

Wednesday 16.41

From: Rosie Caron {[email protected]}

To: Caddy Oliver {[email protected]}

Argh I can’t talk to her any more. You deal with her. Tell her to come to mine for 6 on Saturday, if she stops acting like such a petty bitch.

Wednesday 16.53

From: Caddy Oliver {[email protected]}

To: Rosie Caron {[email protected]}

Give her a break, she was suspended yesterday.

I’ll tell her, but I’m sure you’ll speak to her before then anyway!


Wednesday 16.55

From: Rosie Caron {[email protected]}

To: Caddy Oliver {[email protected]}


Wednesday 17.01

From: Caddy Oliver {[email protected]}

To: Suzanne Watts {[email protected]}

Shall we go together to Rosie’s on Sat? We should get there for 6.


Wednesday 17.12

From: Suzanne Watts {[email protected]}

To: Caddy Oliver {[email protected] OK, Sarah can pick you up? Would that be OK with your parents?


Wednesday 17.15

From: Caddy Oliver {[email protected]}

To: Suzanne Watts {[email protected]}

Yeah, it’ll be fine.

Sara Barnard's Books