Angel in Chains (The Fallen #3)(93)
No more.
Az pushed ahead even faster. A few quick shots from his gun, and this would all be over. Jade would be free. She wouldn’t have to spend her days looking over her shoulder and wondering when her psycho ex would pounce.
She could have a life again.
A life with me.
Because if she’d have him, he wanted to spend all of his days with her. Heaven could wait. He’d found something he wanted more.
To him, she was . . . everything.
He’d make her happy. Get her to laugh. To smile not just with her beautiful mouth, but with her eyes.
She’d live again.
He paused at the heavy stone wall that marked the edge of the cemetery. Had Brandt left the cemetery? Run back into the city? Where had he— “There’s something you need to see.”
Az spun at the voice and came face-to-face with Mateo. Not exactly the * he’d wanted to see. “Out of my way,” he growled. The witch had betrayed him once already. He didn’t intend to give the guy a second chance to screw him over.
“I can show you the way,” Mateo said, eyes dark. “You just have to trust me.”
He wouldn’t trust that guy any day.
Mateo pointed to the right. “Come here, and see . . .”
Hell. Az could smell blood. He surged forward, heading down the path Mateo indicated.
He didn’t look back, and he didn’t see Mateo’s slow smile.
Jade sucked in deep gulps of air and stared after Az. Really? He wanted her to just . . . stay there?
It sucked being human. Or, half human—or whatever the hell she was these days. Dammit, she— Tanner took off toward the left, running as fast as he could. Jade blinked. The left? Now why would he run that way?
I got his stench. Those had been Tanner’s words, and Tanner had sent Az running into the opposite direction.
Because Tanner wants to be the one to take out his brother.
Oh, hell. She raced to the left and followed him. Tanner was overmatched in this fight. He couldn’t defeat Brandt, not when the guy had the strength of an angel on his side.
The graves whipped by her. Or rather, she whipped by them. Thick and white, the tombs seemed to reek of the dead. A few candles flickered near the ground, silent offerings to the spirits, promises to a long-gone voodoo queen.
“You son of a bitch!”
Jade rushed toward that yell. A turn to the left. To the right. The graveyard was a twisted maze and— And Tanner had Brandt pinned against a tomb.
“It ends tonight,” Tanner growled at him. “You don’t get to hurt anyone else.”
But Brandt just laughed. And he drove his claws into Tanner’s stomach. “You never could stop me.”
“Tanner!” The horrified cry burst from her.
“W-watch me . . .” Tanner managed and he sliced his own claws right across Brandt’s throat. Brandt’s blood flew out, soaking him, and Brandt didn’t even have a chance to scream.
Brandt’s gaze turned to her. His eyes widened. He smiled.
Tanner yanked away from him, and Brandt’s claws slid from his chest with a wet slosh of sound.
Brandt fell face-first onto the ground.
Jade stared down at him, stunned, as her breath heaved out.
Slowly, Tanner turned toward her. “I d-did . . . i-it . . .” His shirt was soaked with blood. His skin ashen. His whole body was shaking.
Jade rushed to him. She grabbed Tanner as his knees buckled and eased him to the ground. “You have to shift,” she told him, voice desperate. Her gaze flew over his wounds. They were bad. Brandt had ripped right through him. Ripped things out of him. “Shift now.” Jade forced steel into her order.
His lips were paler than the moon. A ripple shook his body and fur burst out on his arms, only to vanish a moment later.
She realized that Tanner wasn’t strong enough to shift. And if he wasn’t strong enough, he’d die in her arms.
She ignored the scent of flowers. The scent was deepening around her. The scent . . . it wasn’t from an Angel of Death. Just flowers from the graves. Nothing more.
Nothing . . .
Tanner’s claws retracted.
“You don’t get to die like this!” She snapped and slammed her palm into his chest. “You don’t get to—”
Hands grabbed her from behind. Strong hands. Hands that knew too well how to hurt.
Brandt wasn’t done yet. Or maybe the devil just hadn’t wanted him. “Tanner never was as strong as me,” he whispered into her ear.
Her breath choked out as horror and fear swamped her.
“No.” Az’s voice. Cool and lethal and cutting right through the night. Cutting through her fear and giving her hope. “But I am,” Az promised.
Jade’s head whipped up. Az stood before them, just inside the gateway of tombs.
Damn that man looked sexy. Strong. Determined. Pissed. He lifted his gun. “Let her go.”
Brimstone bullets, *. Choke on them. If she hadn’t been trapped against said *, she would have smiled.
“You’re not going to shoot her.” Brandt was mocking now. Something wet slipped down her shoulder, and she was pretty sure that it was his blood.
Jade twisted and turned to look at Brandt. Only the thinnest cut remained from the torn hole that had been his throat. Damn—that was some fast healing. But his clothes were soaked red and now so were hers.