Angel in Chains (The Fallen #3)(58)
But she also didn’t expect him to be a monster. To bring hell to earth. The witch, she’d expected that of him. Promised him that he’d destroy everything and everyone. She’d warned that one day he’d break through the binds that contained the monster inside—and no man would be able to stop him.
“I killed Brandt’s father.” Jade tossed the words out so casually that Az blinked. “He was the big, bad alpha leader. The man who’d tortured his son for years. The man who thought he was going to torture me . . . but I killed him.” Her laugh was bitter. “He didn’t sense a threat from me. ’Cause I’m just human, right? Weak. Helpless. No danger to a tough guy like him.”
She was dangerous. The ache in his chest grew. This place . . . it was pressing too deeply into him. Bastion would never venture here. He was too good to survive this place. As for Brandt, he wouldn’t expect Az to ever bring Jade to such a dwelling.
It was growing thicker in the air, as if enjoying her confession.
“I met Brandt when I was seventeen years old.”
He didn’t want to hear about her time with the panther. The drumming of Az’s heartbeat began to pound louder in his ears.
You ever need to recharge, go to Devil’s Lake. Consider it a safe house, of sorts. The magic there will fire you up, but be careful, brother . . . it comes with a high price.
Sam’s warning. Az hadn’t been afraid of paying, but . . . but now as the fury in his body built, he wondered just what he’d be sacrificing in exchange for the power coming his way.
Why hunt out a witch when you can steal the power they left behind? It had seemed faster, smarter, to come here and soak up the remnants of magic.
Sometimes, you had to fight the dark with— “He seemed perfect when we met,” Jade said. “Strong. Handsome.”
I don’t want to hear this story.
“I left my family to be with him. They told me to be careful, that I was too young, that I didn’t really know him.” She shook her head and stood there with her shoulders slumping a bit. “But I loved him, he loved me, and I knew we were supposed to be together.”
Loved him.
He could almost feel the stretch of his phantom wings. “He wasn’t for you to love.” The fury inside roughened his voice, but he held onto his control. This place wouldn’t break him. He’d take the power. Keep Jade safe. Destroy anyone who tried to take her away from him.
“At first, everything was perfect.” She took another step toward him.
Az tensed. His cock was hard and swollen. His body tight with need. Whenever she was close, he craved her. But he didn’t want to take her here. Not in this place.
Not her.
“Brandt can be charming. He can be seductive.”
He could be a dead man with his head severed from his body.
“But I started to find . . . more in him.” Jade’s eyes held memories he didn’t want to see. “My mom had always told me that the devil was a good-looking man, so perfect that you wouldn’t see past his beauty until it was too late.” Her lashes lowered and shielded those memories. “I saw too late.”
Brandt raced back to his makeshift base. In the form of the panther, his powerful legs flew over the earth. A snarl broke from him even as the scent of blood filled his nose.
Two of the men he’d left behind turned at his approach. Still in human form. Their eyes were wide. Their hands up as if they’d calm him.
Jade’s scent.
She’d been there. While he’d been out, searching so desperately for her, she’d been there . . . with him. The f*cking Fallen.
Brandt launched into the air and took the throat of the first fool who should have captured Jade. Blood burst into his mouth, and he drank the guy’s last breath.
The other shifter tried to run.
There was no place to run.
Brandt tackled him. Let his claws rip into the shifter’s flesh. Severed his spine.
And more blood flowed. The beast always wanted more.
“I didn’t even realize what he was, not at first.”
She was coming too close to him. Az wanted to back away, but needed to be near her. Needed it more than humans needed their breath.
“Guess I couldn’t see the monster hiding right there behind the man’s smile. I didn’t see it until it was too late.”
Everyone had a monster inside. Other. Humans. A dark side that some fought. Some embraced.
Some kept imprisoned.
“It had been a month since I ran away with him. Love . . . it seems like the only thing that matters when you’re seventeen.” She blinked quickly, and he wondered if she realized he could see the tears on her lashes. “But I missed my mom. My dad. I missed them, and no matter how many times I called, I couldn’t ever get them to answer the phone.”
Az waited. He wanted to hold her, but he was afraid to touch her.
“So I slipped away one night. I stole a motorcycle—Brandt had been the one to teach me to hot-wire them—and I went back home.” Now a teardrop slipped down her cheek. “They were dead. They’d been dead since the night I left. The-the neighbors told me it was some kind of wild animal attack. My parents had been killed, buried, and I didn’t even know.”
“An . . . animal attack?” His own words sounded like the rough growl of a beast.