Angel in Chains (The Fallen #3)(52)
“She wanted vengeance alright.” Jade’s angry voice had Az’s gaze sliding to her. She rubbed her chest. “She was willing to kill me in order to get it.”
“I never thought she’d attack you,” Tanner said. “I swear, okay? I figured she’d want to kill Brandt, not you.”
But Az understood. “She was attacking Brandt when she went after Jade.”
Jade nodded. “She told me that she was taking his heart.”
By killing her.
“Bitch,” Jade mumbled as she rubbed her arms, as if chilled.
“I’m sorry.” The gritted words were Tanner’s. “If I’d thought for a moment that she would try to kill you, Jade, I never would have taken her with us.”
It was a mistake Az would make sure they didn’t repeat.
But Jade’s assessing stare was studying Az now. “Well, whatever else we say about her, the witch knows her weapons. Those bullets she made worked on you.”
“So they’ll work on him, too.” Wound Brandt. Kill him. “We just need Heather to give us a new batch.” Then they’d be on equal battling ground. Claws versus brimstone.
Maybe not equal.
And maybe Brandt would be dead.
Az smiled. “Let him hunt us. While he comes after us, we’ll be heading right back into his camp.” And taking the witch.
A sharp bark of laughter escaped Tanner. “You’re crazy, aren’t you?”
Perhaps. A Fall could send some angels into raving insanity. Create killers, monsters.
Nightmares that walked the earth.
“But that’s a pretty f*cking smart plan,” Tanner continued. “One Brandt won’t see coming. We’ll need to move fast though.” His head jerked to the left as his nostrils flared. “What in the hell?”
Az followed his gaze into the twisting darkness of the trees.
“Has he already found us?” Jade’s hushed voice asked.
Tanner strode past her. “Someone’s hurt out there. I can smell the blood.”
Shifter senses.
“Not human,” he added, almost as an afterthought.
Jade frowned at him. “Who is these days?”
Az let his gaze search the trees. This could be a trap. Brandt was a wily hunter. He could’ve put out weak bait to lure them in.
Az had seen killers use this move dozens of time over the centuries. “You got a lock on the scent, Tanner?”
The shifter nodded. “A mile to the left. Whoever it is, they’re moving real slow.” He glanced back at Az. “Could be close to dying.”
The dock squeaked. Az glanced back and saw Cody advancing on them. Now their little group was all together.
Worry showed on the demon’s face. “We can’t leave someone to die out there.”
Jade stiffened when she saw the doctor, and she took a quick step toward Az.
“We don’t have a lot of time to waste,” Tanner growled. “Brandt’s hauling ass over here. We can’t defeat him and his whole pack right now. We need to be gone.”
“We need the witch,” Az said. He had to get those bullets and Heather was the one who could provide him with that perfect weapon.
There was no way he’d forget or forgive what she’d done to Jade. Or to him. But he would be using the witch. “She’s the one who can give us the weapon we need.”
“Is she really our only option?” Jade’s delicate jaw clenched as she moved closer to Az. “Sorry, guess I’m just a little hesitant because of the whole trying to kill me bit.”
His fingers brushed over her cheek. “She’s not going to hurt you again.”
“No,” Jade was definite, “she won’t. I’m not going to give her the chance.”
Tanner cleared his throat. “We’re all pissed. We all want our pound of flesh.” He sighed. “But if we want to use her, then we have to hurry up and go get her.”
“Not yet.”
They all turned at Cody’s hard snap. The demon stood his ground. “We’re not leaving yet.”
Like the doc was going to stop him.
But Cody pointed to the woods. “I can smell the blood, too,” he said. “Someone’s out there, hurt. Are we really just going to leave ’em?”
No, they weren’t. Az inclined his head, and Tanner took off running. He cleared the dock and headed toward the left. They all fell in behind him, racing through the thicket of trees. The shifter didn’t hesitate as he tracked through those woods. When it came to hunting, nothing beat a shifter’s nose.
And Tanner made short work of cutting through the swamp and finding his prey. The others followed him, and Az made sure he kept Jade close to his side. Until he found out all the effects his blood would have on her, Az didn’t want Jade out of his sight.
Tanner stopped. Inhaled. Pointed to the side. “The scent of blood and flowers is coming from that way.”
Blood . . . and flowers? Az’s heart began to beat faster.
Tanner cocked his head as he studied Az with a growing understanding in his eyes. Jade and Cody huffed out breaths as they paused.
“You sure you want to play hero again?” Tanner asked. “Maybe this isn’t someone you want to save. Maybe it’s someone that you already gave one ass kicking to.”