Angel in Chains (The Fallen #3)(40)
She tried to crawl away. He laughed. “Don’t worry, once I have Jade back, I’ll let death take you.” After he’d had his fun.
But first . . .
Jade, be alive. Because if she wasn’t, he’d rip his way through hell to get her back.
“She’s dying.” The pronouncement came from Tanner as she threw a fast glance into the backseat. “This shit wasn’t supposed to happen, and she’s dying.”
Jade’s blood stained Az’s fingertips. No matter how many times he tried to stroke her flesh and share his warmth with her, Jade’s skin remained ice cold. Colder than death. He knew that touch too well.
“Death isn’t here yet.” Because he’d left Marna behind. Scared the angel. Angels weren’t supposed to feel fear. But Marna had always been weak. Too curious about humans. Too slow to take the dying.
If there was one angel he could push around, it was her.
So if she came back, he’d make certain he pushed again. “We just have to get the bleeding stopped,” Az said and his gaze locked on Jade’s still face.
Tanner muttered, “I think we have to do more than that.”
“Just get her to a doctor.” If she’d been Other, she could have already been healing instead of growing colder with each moment that passed.
“The city’s at least forty-five minutes away.”
Because they’d driven deep into the swamps of Louisiana to find a prey that was stronger than Az had ever anticipated. My touch should have killed him.
Had Jade known what he was up against? He’d find out, once she lived. “I don’t think she’s got forty-five minutes,” Tanner said as he jerked the car and it flew to the left with a screech of its tires. “But I know a doctor who’s closer. He’s got a clinic in the bayou—”
“Get us to him.”
The car was jumping and hurtling down the dirt road. “I will, but, f*ck, man, don’t expect a miracle.”
Why not? Others had gotten them. Why couldn’t he?
“She could die any—”
“I won’t let her die.” Az was adamant. Her death wasn’t an option for him. “Just take us to the doctor. Get us there, and I’ll take care of Death.”
On his watch, no angel would get to her. And if an angel couldn’t claim Jade’s soul . . .
Then she couldn’t die.
Az held her tighter as the car whipped along the old, dirt road through the twisting trees. Jade’s eyes weren’t open. Blood soaked her chest, but her heart still beat. His hand was over her heart, so he felt those precious, struggling beats.
“Stay with me,” he whispered to her.
No one had ever come between him and death before. No one had ever sacrificed for him.
Until now.
The car screeched to a jarring stop moments later. Tanner flew from the front seat. The cop yanked open the back door and tried to take Jade. Az just held her tighter. If an angel came, he had to be close to her.
With her still in his arms, Az carefully climbed from the car. Her head sagged back against his shoulder. Dark shadows lined her closed eyes.
Tanner ran toward the shack that rested near the woods. His fist pounded onto the door. “Cody! Dammit, Cody, open the door!” But then he didn’t give Cody a chance to answer his summons. With not even a second’s hesitation, Tanner kicked the door open.
And he was immediately shoved back through the air. “What the hell are you thinking, Tanner?” a hard voice snarled. “You don’t bring your arrogant panther ass down here and ram in my door.”
Tanner shoved to his feet. “We need your help.” He pointed toward Az and Jade. “She’s hurt.”
Cody’s dark head turned and his eyes—dark eyes, demon eyes—locked on Jade. “She’s dead.”
Az thought about incinerating him. But, no, they needed the guy. For now. “Demon, are you a doctor?”
Cody stiffened. “I’m no demon.”
Az strode toward him. “Tell that to someone who can’t see you for what you really are.” He knew demon eyes when he stared into them. No magic glamour could fool him.
Cody’s hands lifted as if to ward him off. “Don’t bring a dead girl to my door. There’s nothing I can do for her.”
“She’s not dead.” But the doctor could be, very soon.
“Brandt attacked her.” Tanner ran a shaking hand through his hair. “Those were his claws that tore open her chest.”
“Fuck.” Cody rocked back on his heels. “Our psycho of a brother won’t ever stop, will he?”
“That’s Jade.” Intensity fueled Tanner’s voice.
Cody’s brows climbed and his arms dropped. “Brandt’s Jade?”
Hell, no. “My Jade.” Az stepped toe-to-toe with the demon. “And if you want to keep living, then you’ll make sure she does, too. You have to stitch her up. Close those wounds. Help her.” An order when it should probably have been a plea. But he’d never had to plea for anything before. Even when he’d been cast out of heaven, he hadn’t begged. He’d raged. Cursed. Fought.
Cody swallowed and nodded. “I-I’ll do what I can.”