Angel in Chains (The Fallen #3)(29)

Jade’s body practically vibrated with fury. “This is stupid—”

“I’ll be there for backup.” Tanner rocked forward on the balls of his feet. “Together, we’ll take out that whole pack.”

Az didn’t really need his help. But if the shifter wanted some revenge of his own . . .

“You can’t do this.” Jade gripped both of his hands now and shook him. “This is crazy. You don’t want to just walk right up to Brandt.”

“No?” Now Tanner’s anger had broken past his control. “What’s your big plan then? You want to keep running from him? Hiding? While others die?”

She flinched. “I’ll go to him. I’ll end this myself.”

“You don’t have that power.” Tanner was certain.

So was Az.

Her gaze held his.

“Please,” she whispered. “I don’t want you to get hurt because of me.”

And the choice was made. A life for a life. Sacrifice. He pointed at the witch. “Betray me again, and I’ll make certain you feel the full fury of hell.”

“Been there,” she muttered.

“And you will be again.” A promise.

She swallowed and glanced away from him, and he knew she understood the consequences. Fair enough.

Angels never lied.

The deal had been set.

Angels were idiots. They had to be. As Jade followed Az through the winding hallway located at the back of a voodoo shop, she wondered what the hell she was doing.

Trusting her life to a shifter cop and a witch? Oh, no, not a good idea.

They were the two she should probably trust the least except. . .

Except Tanner had helped her get out of that swamp. He could have turned her in to the authorities or handed her over to Brandt then.

“Trust me,” Az’s words. Az’s hand around hers. And she did trust him. How could you not trust an angel? That was probably some kind of rule someplace. Must trust angels.

Everything she’d ever heard about them said they were the good guys, if anyone was ever really good. They protected humans, just as Az was trying to protect her.

Now the deep scars on his shoulders made sense. Wings. His wings must have burned away when he fell.

But why had Az fallen?

“I’ll arrange the meeting,” Heather said as she opened another door. The thick scent of incense filled the air. This room was filled with old books, glass vials, and some stuff that Jade didn’t want to stare at for too long. A heavy mirror sat on the table to the left. And, yes, it looked like blood stained its surface.

She guessed that answered the question of good witch/ bad witch.

Jade didn’t have tons of experience with witches, but she’d heard whispered stories. Some witches could scry with mirrors to see the future. But whenever they looked into that future, they had to use the darker magic.

Jade didn’t want any part of that kind of magic. As it was, she had more than enough darkness to deal with on her own.

“So here’s the deal.” Tanner pulled out a chair, flipped it around and straddled it. “We’ll make the exchange at dawn.”

She still wasn’t loving this plan. But Jade could admit it was better than nothing. “So Az and I just stroll in as your big, fat bait? What guarantee do we have that you won’t just leave us there for them?”

Before Tanner could answer, Az spoke. “It doesn’t matter,” he said. “Once I get close enough to Brandt, I can take out him and his men.” He stood next to that bloody mirror. She saw his gaze drop to the glass.

Right. Big, tough, immortal badass angel. She could count on him.

Tanner cleared his throat. “And you don’t know me from Adam . . .”

Az snorted at that.

“But believe me, I want to stop Brandt. I want to stop them all.”

Her gaze dropped to his chest. His shirt covered the scars, but she wouldn’t be forgetting them anytime soon. So much pain.

Enough to fill a man with fury.

Her breath exhaled on a rough sigh. It looked like whether she wanted to or not, she was in as bait.

But it was time for Jade to issue a warning. “If you screw us, I’ll make sure that you pay.” Tanner and the witch probably thought she was just making some tough threat without any substance. They were wrong.

Brandt had just thought she was bullshitting, too. Until he walked into his home and found the trail of blood that she’d left for him.

Don’t think about that now. Don’t.

It had taken hours to wash the blood away from her hands and body.

“Don’t worry,” Tanner said, rolling his broad shoulders. “If this plan goes to shit, Brandt will be the one who takes his pound of flesh from me.”

He’d take more than a pound of flesh. Brandt would kill him. Slowly.

She glanced back at Az. His gaze was still on the mirror. And the witch had sidled closer to him.

Jade’s back teeth clenched. That skinny chick was just pissing her off. She might have to trust Tanner, but that woman—no way, Jade wouldn’t trust her for half a minute.

“Want to know what the future holds for you?” Heather asked Az softly. “All you have to do is bleed for me.”

Oh, seriously, hell no, the woman hadn’t just said that.

Cynthia Eden's Books