And I Darken (The Conquerors Saga #1)(119)

Just how much interaction the three would have had growing up in the Ottoman Courts together is unknown. I’ve crafted a fictional history in which the formative relationships of their young lives were with each other. If you would like to read more extensively on Vlad, Radu, and Mehmed and their time, as well as the incredible legacy of the Ottomans, I recommend using your local library and librarians. Some books I found helpful were:

The Ottoman Centuries, by Lord Kinross

1453, by Roger Crowley

A Short History of Byzantium, by John Julius Norwich

The Grand Turk, by John Freely

Dracula, Prince of Many Faces, by Radu R. Florescu and Raymond T. McNally

Islam: A Thousand Years of Faith and Power, by Jonathan Bloom and Sheila Blair

Though the characters in the book each interact with religion, and more specifically Islam, in various ways, I have nothing but respect for the rich history and beautiful legacy of that gospel of peace. Individual characters’ opinions on the complexities of faith, both Islam and Christianity, do not reflect my own.

Spelling varies between languages and over time, as do place names. Any errors or inconsistencies are my own. Though the main characters speak a variety of languages, I made an editorial decision to present all common terms in English.

This book would not exist without my incredible husband. Noah’s love of Romania and its history, as well as Arabic, Islam, and the Middle East, fed and formed this idea until it was ready to become a story. He was an invaluable resource. Also, he is very handsome and I’m quite lucky to be his wife.

Special thanks go to my agent, Michelle Wolfson, for never pausing when I tell her what I want to do next. She has been Lada’s biggest cheerleader—and mine, as well.

My brilliant editor, Wendy Loggia, cannot be thanked enough. She saw the pitch for this book and instantly understood what it was and what it needed to be. Her guiding hand is on every page, and I’m so grateful to work with her. The entire team at Delacorte Press is a dream for a writer. Special thanks go to Alison Impey for the stunning cover design, Heather Kelly for the gorgeous interior design, and Colleen Fellingham and Heather Lockwood Hughes for catching all my many errors in copyedits.

None of my books would exist without my best friends and critique partners, Natalie Whipple and Stephanie Perkins. Natalie saw me through a brutal first draft, and Stephanie saved me during an overwhelming edit. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you both.

Finally, endless gratitude goes to my family, for always supporting and encouraging me. And last in thanks but first in my heart, to my three beautiful children: I would cut through a mountain for you.

Kiersten White's Books