Actual Stop (Agent O’Connor #1)(75)

“And a little crazy.”

“I’ve heard that before.”

“This is going to be an interesting week, isn’t it?”

“Oh, you can pretty much count on that.” My cell phone vibrated on my belt, and my heart leapt. Could it be Allison? My hand was trembling as I retrieved it and checked the caller ID. It was a blocked number, but that didn’t mean anything. If she called me from her work cell phone, the number would show up as blocked. Tendrils of hope wound their way around my heart as I answered. “O’Connor.”

“Hey, Ryan. It’s Sarah.”

Those fragile tendrils immediately turned to ash, and disappointment flared inside my chest. I tried to tamp down my violently eddying emotions. “Hey, kiddo. What’s up?”

“I got a mysterious email that you had a few requests for me. I’m not sending you pictures of my boobs, so stop asking.”

I grinned. “Fine. I’ll just do what everyone else does and get them from your website. How about this? When you have a minute, I need you to email me the cell-phone number you have for Akbari, as well as .pdf copies of the source where you got that number from. And I’d like to look at that bill he passed, also.”

I broke off to allow the radio chatter between the lead, the Follow-Up, the hotel agent, and the detail leader in the limo to subside. We were less than two minutes out, and apparently the situation over at the hotel was relatively clear.

“Sounds like you’re busy,” Sarah commented.

“I told you before, we actually earn our paychecks up here.”

“Why work harder when you can work smarter? Who’ve you got?”


“Ugh. Have fun with that.”

“You know something I don’t?”

“Only that you’re not going to be getting much sleep. The guy likes to stay out late.”

“Of course he does.” I massaged one temple with my fingertips. “Fantastic.”

Sarah laughed. “I’ll fire that info to you ASAP. Give ’em hell for me.”

“Will do.” I hung up the phone and slid it back into its holster as I unbuckled my seat belt. As the motorcade rolled to a stop, I hopped out and began my 360-degree perusal of the street and all its occupants. The flurry of activity I could hear behind me gradually tapered off, indicating the delegation had made it safely inside. Only then did I wander back over to Michael in the PI car.

He rolled his window down at my approach. “What’s up?”

I glanced past the arrival area toward the front of the motorcade to where I could see the guy in charge of the cars pointing and gesturing as he tried to get everyone lined up for our departure in a few hours. I tapped the doorframe with my palm.

“Hang here until Charlie tells you where he wants you. After that, you can pop inside to hit the head or around the corner to grab something to eat at the deli if you want. Just make sure you leave the keys either with me, if I’m down here, or with the Follow-Up driver.”

Michael nodded. “No problem. I probably will hit the deli. You want anything?”

“A bottle of water would be great, thanks.” I dipped my hand into my pocket to pull out some cash, but Michael waved me away.

“We have a long trip ahead of us. I’m sure you’ll get me back at some point.”


I shifted my attention to the street again. Iran had chosen to stay at the Waldorf Astoria, which took up the entire city block between 49th and 50th Streets and Park and Lexington Avenues. Personally, I loved it when our protectees stayed there. The Waldorf had a covered arrival area that made arrivals and departures relatively drama-free, and they were so used to us being in and out with all of our delegations that working with the staff there was like using a well-oiled machine.

It also happened to be located just across the street from The W Hotel, where Allison and I had recently spent an incredible couple of hours together wrapped up in one another’s arms. The thought sparked a myriad of conflicting emotions within me, and a slight flush crept into my cheeks as memories from that night flitted through my mind. I forcibly pushed them away.

“Yo, Ryan?” I felt a tap on my shoulder in time with the greeting and turned to face the speaker. It was Charlie Parker, the agent in charge of transportation security for the visit.

“Hi, Charlie. What’s up?”

“I’m gonna back the PI car out onto five-oh, and then I’m gonna park you guys on Lex between four-eight and four-nine, right by the side entrance to the Intercon. Okay?” His stereotypical New York accent and wildly gesticulating hands made me want to smile.

I shrugged and glanced at Michael to make sure he’d heard the instructions before I nodded. “It’s your motorcade, Charlie. I’ll go wherever you tell me to go.”

Charlie nodded once. “Yeah, the well gets crowded, ya know what I mean? Gotta save some space for the guests or the Waldorf gets pissed.” I barely managed to dodge a punctuating hand as he said that. “So, we’re gonna stage most of the cars out on four-nine goin’ counterflow cuz the next movement is to the UN. But I want a presence out on Lex, too. Someone we have coms with. That’ll be you.” A forceful finger jab in my direction. “And you guys just merge into the motorcade when we make the right on Lex.”

Kara A. McLeod's Books