Academia of the Beast: A Dark Retelling of Beauty and the Beast(6)

Conall shrugged. “I’m beginning to think that the right woman for me doesn’t exist,” he said as he left his quarters and headed toward the staircase that led to the main floor. Perhaps tonight he would free his mind from the pain of having his heart broken. At the very least, he’d find another beautiful young woman for his bed.



SNOW FELL LIKE little crystals from the sky, making the streets glitter as a party bus picked them up. It was odd seeing the streets and sidewalks free of crowds of people and the usual vendors that would stay out all day selling street food to passersby. The shops were closed for the season, and all transport was shut down.

But, for once, Allyn was free to be out in the city. They got into the sleek, black bus and she was surprised to see seats that faced each other on either side. The seats were filled with other party goers. Girls—more like models—were dressed in tight, short dresses with way too much skin than Allyn was comfortable showing.

As she followed Aude and Khia to the back where there were exactly four seats left, she averted her eyes, already self-conscious for being in the sparkling gold dress Aude had let her wear. It was a little shorter than she would have liked, with a plunging neckline that Khia said made her breasts look great. At least it covered the scars on her back. She’d been careful to get dressed in the bathroom, not ready to explain the gruesome scars that tainted her white flesh.

That comment alone made her blush and wish she’d have worn a jacket. Thankfully the bus was warm and they would be dropped off underground where the cold wouldn’t give all of the young partygoers a chill.

No one wanted to spend the entire season battling the flu.

Once they sat down, a tall blond woman stood and smiled at everyone. “Next stop, The Digital Underground!”

Everyone cheered. There was a cooled barrel in the center of the bus, in between poles that Allyn figured was there in case someone had the urge to strip in the middle of the bus.

This was not her typical scene, but Aude was right. Maybe she should experience new things.

Inside the barrel were cans of cold beer. Once the bus started moving again, they were passed cans of amber ale.

Khia and Aude popped their cans open and Allyn followed their lead. “All right girls. Let’s get drunk, dance our asses off, and party like it’s the end of the season.”

“It is,” Aude said with a laugh.

“That’s right, and no one has to drive home. So, yeah. Let’s do this!”

Allyn couldn’t help laughing with them and they all drank from their cans. The cold liquid added to the buzz Allyn already had from the double shot of Chronos.

As the music pumped in the bus and people started dancing, she found herself actually getting excited for what she would see at the Digital Underground. She’d heard of the super exclusive club but had never imagined actually going there. Only the wealthy and famous were allowed, with exceptions for the most attractive girls that got in for their looks alone.

Instead of dancing with her friends, she pressed her body to the far window and looked out at the city that now looked abandoned. It had an eerie beauty about it, with the dark empty streets covered with white snow that was being scraped away by a shovel attached to the front of the bus. But the buildings, with their lights and glass siding, made Central Elastria look like a fairytale land of the future. As she tuned out the music, she realized that’s exactly what it was.

They arrived at the Digital Underground much faster than she’d expected, but it made sense since there was virtually no traffic the entire drive.

The bus drove into a tunnel lit bright with yellow lights. When it parked in the parking garage, everyone lined up, ready to get out and head to the entrance of the club. Allyn was at the end of the line as they filled out and into the parking garage. A purple carpet led to the front door guarded by four giant men with black shirts that clung to their large muscles.

Khia showed her invitation and they were all allowed inside. Once they stepped through the heavy gold encrusted doors that made it look like they were entering a temple instead of a club, the entire atmosphere changed.

Allyn audibly gasped as they entered the magical world of the Digital Underground. She held onto Khia’s hand, not wanting to get left behind as darkness smothered them, only highlighted by iridescent red and purple lights that streamed along the walls, illuminating ancient symbols of the old age when the fae were as much a part of Elastria as humans.

Her skin tingled. This felt more like home than anywhere she’d ever been.

It delighted and scared her, for her palms began to itch with the urge to cast.

As they walked through the long tunnel of glowing symbols, the music grew louder and louder until it was at full volume at the end that opened up to a circular balcony that looked down at the glass dance floor packed with people.

Allyn’s mouth parted as she looked in awe at everything, her eyes following four girls dressed in nothing, but covered in neon paint that made it look like they were of the ancient fae tribes. They grabbed onto colored sashes that carried them up into the sky. She stood there, her hands clasped around the golden railing of the balcony as they reached the top of the ceiling, wrapped the bodies into the sashes and began to dance.

“Wow,” she said.

Aude and Khia stood on either side of her. “I know. The aerial dancers here are some of the best I’ve seen.”

K.N. Lee's Books