A Merciful Death (Mercy Kilpatrick #1)(82)
“I want to ask you out when this is done.” Blunt.
She went perfectly still, her gaze still locked on his. “That’s not appropriate,” she stated.
“I don’t see a problem once we’re done.”
The conversations of the people on the river footpath suddenly seemed very loud.
“I live in Portland,” she finally said, looking away.
Her gaze flew back to his. “You don’t see that as a problem?”
“Sure it’s a hurdle. But if that’s the first thing you’re bringing up, I take it you don’t have an objection. I’m trying to find out if you’re willing to try this, Mercy. Can I get a straight answer so I can start sleeping better at night?”
Wide eyes looked at him. “You’re serious.”
“Damned right. You’re not seeing anyone, are you?”
“Good.” He leaned forward the slightest bit. “You make me slightly crazy, Mercy. I don’t know what it is, but I find I want more of it. Let’s get this damned case wrapped up so I can take you out for a good steak dinner.”
She glanced at his burger and her salad. “Okay.” She blinked. “But—”
“No buts. We’ll address any problems as they come. We won’t know if we don’t try.” Something about her had become very necessary to him over the last few days, and he didn’t want it to end. A vein in her neck pulsed, and he fought the urge to gently touch it. Not yet. He had no idea what he needed, but he knew he couldn’t let her simply walk out of his life after closing the case.
“You don’t care that I’ve killed someone and covered it up.” Her eyes were cautious.
Is this a test?
“You’ve never asked me if I’ve killed anyone.”
Compassion filled her face. She didn’t speak.
“You aren’t the only one who carries a burden,” he said quietly.
“You’re right. I’m sorry.”
“There’s nothing to be sorry about. I understand how overwhelming your own problems can be, but hearing that other people have baggage sometimes makes yours a little easier to bear. You’re not alone, Mercy. And I’m definitely not perfect.”
“I don’t know how to do this,” she said slowly.
“Then we’ll both figure it out as we go along.”
“I haven’t dated in ages,” she admitted. “It’s incredibly hard with my job. Men hear what I do and they immediately start acting odd.”
“I think it takes someone in law enforcement to understand.”
“They’re hard to date because of their egos.” Her lips twisted.
“Understandable. I think we’re both pretty low on the ego scale. So do you accept my offer of dinner?”
Her smile widened. “I do. Will that be here or in Portland?”
A weight lifted from his chest.
His phone rang. Lucas. He tried to ignore it, but Mercy’s phone started to ring at the same time. Dread settled over him, and concern flooded her face. “It’s Eddie,” she said.
Holding her gaze, they both answered their phones. “Someone broke into the Kilpatricks’,” Lucas yelled through Truman’s phone. “Their daughter Rose is missing.”
Her phone at her ear, Mercy’s face turned white as she listened to Eddie.
Her heart racing, Mercy jumped out of Truman’s truck and jogged up the driveway to her parents’ house.
Déjà vu.
Three days ago she’d approached this house in trepidation, nervous about seeing a sister she hadn’t spoken with in fifteen years. Now she was racked with fear for her sister’s life. Royce and Eddie had arrived at the home moments before and were talking with her parents. Eddie had an arm around her mother.
Her mother’s hair was shot with gray, but she still wore most of it pulled back in a single wide barrette at the back of her head. Nostalgia stabbed Mercy in the heart as she recognized her mother’s ancient sweatshirt, and she had an overwhelming need to be the one with an arm around her. Her father’s shoulders were stooped, but his head was up in an intractable pose she knew too well.
She met Eddie’s gaze, which was full of sympathy and concern, as everyone turned to see who approached.
Mercy’s steps slowed and she held her breath, her gaze skimming from face to face.
Will they shut me out?
I can’t take the rejection right now.
Her mother’s mouth dropped open, and she stepped out from under Eddie’s arm. Mercy’s vision tunneled on her mother’s green eyes, and she walked straight into her open arms.
Everything was familiar. Same shape, same smell, same embrace. Mercy closed her eyes, pushing aside all thoughts.
“We’ll find her, Mom.”
Her mother pulled back from their embrace and placed her hands on Mercy’s cheeks as tears streamed down her own. Her face had aged. More wrinkles, more folds, a new softness. “I’m so glad to see you, Mercy.”
Words Mercy would never forget.
She touched her forehead to her mother’s, remembering how her mother had done it each morning before she left for school. Her mother hugged her again.
Kendra Elliot's Books
- A Merciful Death (Mercy Kilpatrick #1)
- Close to the Bone (Widow's Island #1)
- A Merciful Silence (Mercy Kilpatrick #4)
- A Merciful Death (Mercy Kilpatrick #1)
- A Merciful Secret (Mercy Kilpatrick #3)
- Kendra Elliot
- On Her Father's Grave (Rogue River #1)
- Her Grave Secrets (Rogue River #3)
- Dead in Her Tracks (Rogue Winter #2)
- Death and Her Devotion (Rogue Vows #1)