28 Days(56)

He also had an idea on where to start looking for the man who assisted Jocelyn with Saige.

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“Hey, Quinten.”

He looked up as the guard stood in front of the cell but stayed silent.

“The warden has been called to a meeting with the governor, first thing tomorrow morning while they consider a stay.” The guard shrugged. “Thought you’d want to know.” He walked away.

Quinten clutched Saige’s book in his hand and held it against his chest while he absorbed the shock. As much as he’d hoped, he didn’t really believe that his case would get as far as being heard.

He moved slowly to his bed and laid down, the book still clutched against his chest.

A stay didn’t mean he would be free. It meant that he’d have time…and the doubts that were being cast would put things in the right direction toward a new trial with a new jury. The case had been a mess. The supermajority vote shouldn’t have happened. He always believed there should be an all juror vote on a death penalty case. Something that still wouldn’t happen unless the law was changed within the state.

He’d think about all that later and just pray that the governor’s decision was in his favor.

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Saige had been restless for most of the day, which was why she’d decided to take a walk to the boathouse. The small jetty ran into the ocean and used to harbor her father’s boat, before he’d sold it.

Sitting with her feet dangling in the water, Saige looked out over the peaceful water and wished that her mind was just as calm. She just wanted it all over with so that she could get on with her life, hopefully with Quinten.

If only...

The creek of the first wooden plank drew Saige’s attention back toward the boathouse. She watched as Christina hesitated and then slowly moved closer. A slither of guilt crossed her mind, causing Saige to frown. She’d always had a love-hate relationship with her stepmother, but since she remembered what Christina and her father’s relationship had been like, she felt guilty for not giving the woman a chance, regardless of her father’s thoughts on the matter.

“Mind if I join you,” Christina asked, her hands fluttering nervously in front of her.

Saige nodded.

Once Christina was sitting beside her, silence followed until Saige couldn’t take it anymore. “What’s going on?”

Christina sighed and glanced back toward the main house. “Lots of things.” She swiped at one of her eyes.


“You know about Alex and me, don’t you?” Christina looked at her.


Christina smiled and left the tears that ran down her face. “I married your father to get away from my controlling family. I was in my twenties and still jumped when they told me to do something. I hated it. Except I jumped from the frying pan into the fire.” She gave a mirthless laugh. “Then I met Alex. He was everything I wasn’t supposed to be attracted to, but I couldn’t stop it and, for the first time in my life, I was in love. I was stuck between being with him and staying here for you.” She shrugged.

“I don’t understand. Why would you stay because of me?” There was no reason that Saige could think of.

“Your father is very possessive, Saige. I didn’t think that he’d ever hurt you physically, but he wanted you under his control to do what he wanted. When I was around, he wasn’t as bad with you, but, other times, he would irritate you and you’d fight back. That frightened me.”

“I remember you always trying to defuse the situation when we’d argue...What you’ve said though throws it all into a different light.”

“I’m sorry to be the one to burst your bubble about your father, but I can’t stay around any longer, Saige. I will until all this with Quinten is over with, but then I’m leaving.”

Saige took hold of Christina’s hand, and rested her head against her shoulder. “I wish we could have been friends.”

“Me too.” Christina sniffled and grabbed a tissue from her bra.

“Can I ask you something?” Saige asked once Christina cleaned herself up.

Christina frowned. “You can ask me anything. I hate that I was never there for you.”

“My father kept you away from me. I heard that from his mouth when neither of you knew I was around.” Saige shrugged. “What I wanted to ask was about Alex. Do you still love him?”

“I don’t even need to think about the answer because I do. I always will. I said some pretty bad things to him back then to make him leave. I was so worried about what Richard would do if I continued seeing him. I was afraid. At the time, I had no idea that Richard had already talked to Alex though. He’d told him that he was one in a string of affairs. It really hurt that Alex believed him. In the end, it was easier to let him think it was true because that would mean he’d stay away from me. My heart broke that day.”

Saige shook her head and pulled Christina into her arms, letting her cry as her anger with her father grew. He’d been the guilty one for having numerous affairs, not Christina. Saige’s heart broke now that she was learning and remembering another side of her father that she’d forgotten about.

Lexi Buchanan's Books