28 Days(5)

Her father had kept her locked away from the awful truths. He’d kept her away from the trial and from seeing him. She hadn’t testified at the trial, as she was in the hospital recovering from all the injuries she’d suffered. Later, she remained in a private hospital for close to two years. Eventually, she started to speak again, and had relied heavily on her father, who’d been there every step of the way. He’d been the one to take her home from that dreadful place.

Saige shuddered and hoped like hell that she’d never have to step foot inside the walls of that hospital again. Every time she thought about that place, chills of fear raced down her spine. She often asked herself what had happened to her while she’d been a patient—she would probably never know.

Forgoing dinner, Saige struggled to get herself up from the chair and slowly dragged her feet to her bedroom.

She stripped out of her work uniform and climbed under the covers—wanting to hide from the unknown that haunted her. Just for a little while.

* * *


* * *

For eight years he’d waited for the execution warrant to be signed by the governor, and now that it had been, Quinten felt nothing but fear...and anger.

He’d constantly asked himself, why him? He’d never gotten an answer. All those years ago, he went after the woman he loved. He didn’t regret finding her. Even knowing how he ended up, he would do it again as long as it meant that Saige lived. Despite the odds against him, he’d managed to save her.

Even now, as they led him in shackles to one of the death watch cells, he could still see the blood covering her—his beautiful girl. Just her smile had been enough to bring him to his knees.

“Steady now,” one of the guards said.

He blinked a few times and realized his body had tensed, and that his fists clenched together in front of him.

Four heavily armed guards flanked him while the warden led the way. The death squad. He didn’t know any of these guards, but he’d certainly get to know them now that he was under twenty-four seven observation. That was, until they transferred him to the execution chamber, adjacent to his new home.

Quinten briefly closed his eyes and tried not to think about the end. He’d prayed since his incarceration that he’d be freed. He hadn’t done anything wrong, and wondered if he was being punished for that last night when he’d seen Saige before she’d returned to college.

“Nearly there,” another guard grunted.

The shackles around his ankles and wrists rattled when he slowly shuffled forward, and then he froze. His legs wouldn’t carry him further.

He couldn’t do this.

How the hell was he supposed to willingly walk inside that cell? He felt sick to his stomach with fear while he told himself to stay strong, not just for him but also for his brother. Quinten just wasn’t sure that he knew how to anymore.

His legs weakened as he stared into the small space in front of him. The metal-framed bed with a thin mattress sat to one side, while the shower, stainless steel toilet, and sink had been placed to the back of the cell with a small window above.

He really couldn’t do this.

“C’mon, Quinten. You know you have to step forward.” The guard looked younger than him. He also looked sorry that he had to force him inside.

Inhaling, Quinten forced his legs to move him forward. The minute he stepped inside, the door closed and locked behind him.

“Turn around.”

On automatic pilot, he turned and let them remove the chains while he kept his eyes closed.

“They’re off. Move away from the door.”

He followed their orders.

He always did.

He was a model prisoner.

His eyes finally opened as he moved closer to the bed and dropped to the mattress, his legs no longer willing to hold him up.

Quinten rested his elbows on his knees and dropped his head into his hands.

He stayed like that for a long time.

* * *


* * *

Her body hardly had any life left in it.

She was fading fast.

So cold.

The pain.

“You’re safe now. I won’t let anyone hurt you. I promise.” He caressed her face with fingers that felt like icicles. “Saige, it’s me.” He softly kissed her lips.

His eyes so familiar...

Shooting up in bed, Saige reached out and struggled to turn the lamp on.

As soon as there was light in the room, she scrambled and rested against the headboard. Sweat poured off her as she wrapped her arms around her bent knees.

She’d had dreams before, but none that she remembered once she woke.

Trees had been behind the man who’d crouched over her. She remembered the sound of the birds chirping, and the sound of the man crying, promising to protect her. The man she’d seen had been the one who was sitting on death row.

The dream felt real. Too real. She felt like it had been the pain that had pulled her under. No fight had been left in her and she wanted to go to sleep so that she wouldn’t hurt so much.

Then he came.

She’d felt his presence and knew he’d help her.

She’d known not to fight him when he wrapped her up in something.

Why had she felt safe with him?

Lexi Buchanan's Books