The House in the Cerulean Sea(91)

That doesn’t seem to be the case here.

We would caution you against this, Mr. Baker. People will say and do anything they can in order to appease those in power. It’s a weapon, and one that is wielded quite deftly. Those who aren’t immune to such things might find themselves thinking in ways they shouldn’t. Your time on Marsyas will end shortly. You will return to the city. You will be given another assignment, and this will occur all over again. Shield your heart, Mr. Baker, because that is what they go for first. You cannot allow yourself to lose sight of what is real here. You must remain objective. As we’re sure you’re aware, the RULES AND REGULATIONS dictate that any and all relationships formed must remain completely professional. You cannot be seen as being compromised, especially if there is evidence that an orphanage needs to be closed in order to protect the children.

We can, admittedly, say that we may have underestimated how susceptible you might have been to such attentions from someone like Mr. Parnassus. Seeing as how you’re unmarried, we can understand how you might be feeling confused or conflicted. To that end, we want to remind you that DICOMY and Extremely Upper Management are here for you. We care about you. Upon your return from the island, we’ll require you to attend a psychological evaluation. For your own peace of mind, of course. The well-being of our caseworkers is of the utmost importance. You are the lifeblood of DICOMY, and without you, there would be no us. There would be no hope for the children. You matter, Mr. Baker.

To assist you in making sure your thoughts are in order and in an effort to be fully transparent, we have enclosed a semi-complete file on Arthur Parnassus. He is, as you’ll soon see, not who you think he is. The Marsyas Orphanage is an experiment of sorts. To see if someone of his … demeanor could be in charge of a group of unusual children. To keep them all in one place in order to protect our way of life. The island is well-known to him, seeing as how he grew up there in an orphanage that was once closed down because of him. This report is for your eyes only. It is not to be discussed with anyone else, including Mr. Parnassus. Consider it classified level four.

In addition, you will find enclosed a key. If the locks haven’t been changed, this should open the cellar door hidden in the garden. It will give you insight as to what Arthur Parnassus is truly capable of.

Soon, Mr. Baker. You will be coming home soon.

We look forward to your next report and your final debrief upon your return.





Though the curiosity was begging to kill the cat, Linus ignored it.

He ignored it as he walked back to the van.

He ignored it as he climbed inside.

He ignored it as Arthur smiled at him, asking him if he was ready to go home.

“Yes,” he said evenly. “I’m ready.”

The children were high on sugar and the day’s outing, and babbled most of the way to the ferry. Merle scowled at them when he opened the gate, but they ignored him. By the time they were halfway across the channel to the island, the children were asleep, with the exception of Sal. Theodore was curled in his lap, wing over his head to block out the sunlight.

“Did you have a good time?” Linus heard Zoe ask him.

“I think I did,” Sal replied. “Mr. Baker helped me. He told me I can be scared, but to remember there’s more to me than that.” He sighed. “People can be rude, and they can think dumb things about me, but I have all of you, and that’s what’s most important. Right, Mr. Baker?”

Linus thought it was far too late to shield his heart.

* * *

The children blinked slowly as they woke when Arthur switched off the van in front of the house. Lucy yawned and stretched, accidentally hitting Talia in the face with his elbow. She shoved his arm away. “Sorry,” he said.

“Perhaps we’ll have dinner a little earlier tonight,” Arthur announced. “I don’t think some of us will last much longer after. Let’s go inside, and take your things. Make sure they’re put away safely. Talia, you may go to the gazebo if that’s where you’d like to store your new tools.”

She shook her head as Zoe slid the van door open. “I’m going to keep them with me tonight. It’s a Gnomish thing. The tools must be in my bed the first night so they know they’ll belong to me.”

Arthur flashed a smile. “Funny, I’ve never heard that before.”

“Very ancient gnomish tradition. Very secretive. You’re lucky I’m even telling you about it.”

“Is that right? I’ll remember that from this point on.” And with that, he opened his door and exited the van.

It took Linus a moment to realize he was the only one left. He startled when his door was jerked open. He looked out to find Zoe watching him. “Coming?”

He nodded, gripping the folder in his hands. He noticed she glanced down at it, and her brow furrowed slightly.

He got out of the van.

She closed the door behind him. “You were awfully quiet on the ride home.”

“Long day,” he said.

“Is that all?”

He nodded. “Not as young as I used to be.”

“No,” she said slowly. “I don’t suppose you are. Coming inside?”

T.J. Klune's Books