Soul of Flame (Imdalind Series #4)(94)

It was Edmund.

Edmund who had captured me. Edmund who had controlled Cail. Edmund who would kill us all.

I fought the scream as the realization hit me and my body fought a fight I wasn’t sure I could win.

Edmund is here, I sent the words to Ilyan, knowing I couldn’t possibly grasp enough oxygen to speak.

Ilyan’s magic sparked violently as my words filled his mind, the anxiety growing as I clawed at the warm threads of Ilyan’s power and weaved it with mine. I felt my magic peak at the added warmth, my Drak blood flaring as it pulled my mind through the fire-licked forest. Ilyan’s mind moved right alongside me until Edmund’s face came into view, the red tinge of the burning fire lighting his eyes.

I gasped as I realized how close he was, my breath coming in heavy spurts as my lungs fought what they so desperately needed.

I pulled my magic back as the vision faded from me, Ilyan’s hand wrapping around my waist as he took off into the air away from Edmund. I felt the strong grip of Ilyan’s arm as well as the wind that bellowed through my hair, but I couldn’t focus beyond the panic that seeing his face, that feeling his magic, had given me.

“Fight it, my love,” Ilyan whispered as the ash-tinged air flew over us. “Focus on my heartbeat. On our heartbeats. You are stronger than it.”

I gasped for air as he held me to him, trying to focus on the steady thrum as our hearts beat in time, allowing the sound to calm me. It just wasn’t working, the power of Edmund’s magic seemed to be following us, to be growing.

I opened my mouth to scream, to warn Ilyan that Edmund was here just as our bodies crumpled against a stone barrier we could not see. Ilyan’s magic left the air, the wind that had supported us falling from the sky, sending us tumbling to the ground.

We dropped like rocks through the air, Ilyan’s arms leaving mine as we fell into a large branch, the bark scraping against my skin as I slid against it.

My fingers clawed at the smooth texture of the bark, trying to grab on, but my body continued to fall. Just like before, when I had been thrown from the window. I screamed at the memory; at the impact I knew was coming. My agonized voice ran through the forest as I fell into yet another branch, my back impacting into the solid surface before I slid away and fell to the ground in a painful jolt.

A loud grunt escaped me as a wave of pain moved through my bones. I froze in fear and pain as I tried to figure out what had happened, and if I could even move.

I wasn’t sure I could. The pain was everywhere. Even without the pain, Edmund’s magic continued to cripple me, my body winding itself in knots as I tried to move past it, to stay stronger than it.

My hearing peaked, waiting for another soft thud, but none came. I was the only one who had landed.

Ilyan? I asked, my voice panicked as I felt his mind rush, his magic surge.

I could sense Ilyan’s magic rush through me, feel the pull of his heart. I fought my demons as I sought him out, my mind knowing where he was without so much as trying. I could feel him, surrounded by a circle of Trpaslíks just on the other side of the thick line of trees that surrounded me.

Joclyn! Ilyan yelled to me, his mind panicked for me while I felt the surge of excitement as he prepared to face battle. I needed to get to him, to help him.

I shifted my weight as I tried to stand, my body aching as I attempted to move fast, my broken ribs protesting against the movement as my magic frantically moved to heal them.

I looked through the trees as his battle cry rent the air, my magic pulsing with such a maniacal energy that I wasn’t quite sure whether it belonged to me or him.

I prepared to take off into the air, knowing my aching body would take too long to run, when the reason for our fall suddenly became clear. A magical pulse I hadn’t felt in months swelled behind me just as the sound of crunching leaves met my ears. I cringed as I felt her, cursing myself for not paying better attention to my surroundings. For being so focused on the fear of Edmund’s magic and my need to get to Ilyan. It had been a mistake I wouldn’t repeat twice. I turned toward her, my eyes narrowing as her magic solidified.

“Well, well, well,” Ovailia said, her voice hard and sweet as she made her way into the small clearing. “What a pleasant surprise. I had expected to capture my brother, but you as well? It must be my lucky day.”

I said nothing as she moved closer to me, even though I could feel the anxiety slip away, the fear replaced by an angry pulse that sped through me. I just looked at her and let the emotions run over me, but the prickle of my animosity wasn’t what I was focused on.

I narrowed my eyes at her as my magic surged through Ilyan, my power moving through his blood stream as I felt him fight, his heartbeat erratic as he realized who I was facing. My magic pulsed through his heart as mine sped up, his beating in time with mine.

Focus, my love. Ilyan’s voice came strong as his magic pulsed in an attack, his mind moving as he sped to his next opponent.

I said nothing in reply; I didn’t dare. I just stayed still, not daring to let my eyes leave Ovailia’s, to give her the upper hand that I could tell she had been hoping to obtain.

Ovailia inched her way closer, her icy eyes digging into mine. This wasn’t like with Cail, when I had feigned strength to give myself the upper hand. I had strength now, and I wanted her to know it. I wanted her to fear it. I narrowed my eyes as my fingertips sparked, her lips peaking in excitement.

She walked steadily with her long, blonde hair looking strangely out of place against the elegant black outfit she wore. She looked like she was dressed for a club, not a fight, right down to her cherry red stilettos. I wanted to smile at the image, yet kept it inside, knowing exactly what Ovailia had planned. She wasn’t here to fight me; she was here to break me.

Rebecca Ethington's Books