One of Us Is Dead(52)

“That’ll cost ya.” Olivia gave a playful wink. She took another sip of her wine and flicked her long, luscious hair over her shoulder.

Dean laughed. “Of course, we’ll get you the recipe.” He wiped his face with a napkin.

“Tell me. Are things okay at the salon after the mishap yesterday?” Bryce asked.

I let out a small awkward cough. I hadn’t had a chance to talk to any of the women aside from Olivia, and I really didn’t want to discuss the salon.

“I went and saw Jenny today for a Brazilian blowout and makeup. It seems to me everything is just fine,” Olivia said matter-of-factly, folding her hands in front of her.

Bryce nodded and continued eating. “That’s good to hear. Do you feel the same way, Crystal?” He looked to me, waiting for my confirmation.

“I haven’t had a chance to speak to any of the girls aside from Olivia, but if Olivia says it’s fine, I’m sure it is.” I took a large gulp from my wineglass.

“You should probably go in tomorrow. Get nice and pampered, and I’ll throw in some extra money for Jenny for her trouble yesterday,” Bryce said.

He was always all about his reputation, about smoothing things over, fixing things—and how did he fix things? By throwing money at them. It annoyed me, but now wasn’t the time to call him out for it, so I just nodded and smiled instead. It was a nice gesture, even though it was for all the wrong reasons. I nearly rolled my eyes, but I caught Olivia looking at me again, so I forced them to stay in place.

“That is so sweet of you, Bryce.” Olivia fluttered her eyelashes. “Maybe we should do the same, Dean?” She turned toward him.

Dean nodded and spoke with a mouth full of veal, “Of course.”

I didn’t believe Olivia and Dean intended on delivering that promise. It seemed like their offer was more for show than making things right. Then again, Bryce’s gesture was for show too. Perhaps we’re all more alike than I thought.

“Speaking of things we should do, I was talking to Bryce and Mark, and I think we should up our life insurance policies, Olivia,” Dean said nonchalantly while chewing his food.

I shot a look of confusion at Bryce. “Why were you talking about that with Dean?”

Bryce grabbed the napkin from his lap and wiped his face. He was sure to chew his food thoroughly and swallow before speaking, the complete opposite of Dean. “Mark’s cousin sells insurance and isn’t doing so hot, so he mentioned it to us when we all had beers. They’ve got Riley, and we just redid the house. So, I think it’s a good idea.”

“Or maybe Mark’s planning on killing Karen,” Olivia said, tossing back her head in laughter.

Dean laughed along with her.

Bryce chuckled but shook his head and looked back at me. “We’re all just getting older, and it never hurts to get covered. Plus, with what happened at the salon. We can never be too careful.”

“Ain’t that the truth,” Olivia said with a nod. “Death don’t knock first.”

“If anything were to ever happen to me, I’d want to ensure you were taken care of,” he said, reaching out and holding my hand.

“But you’re changing the policy for both of us?” I questioned.

“Yes. Not to bring her up, but Shannon and I did the same thing. We both wanted to make sure the other was set if something were to happen. For Shannon and me, kids were never in the picture, but I think they are for us. I’m thinking long term, sweetheart.” He planted a kiss on my cheek.

I glanced over at Olivia. She was leaning on her elbows, her chin propped up with her hand, hanging on Bryce’s every word. So was Dean. I looked back at Bryce. His eyes were squinty, yet large, begging me to say yes and waiting for my approval.

None of this made any sense. We didn’t have any kids right now, and if I were to die, Bryce would be fine. He was the one with all the money. I wasn’t about to hash this out in front of Olivia and Dean, so I nodded and told him I’d take a look at the policy.

“That’s my girl.” He pulled me in and kissed the side of my head.

“So, what about us?” Dean said to Olivia.

“What about us?” She returned to picking away at her food, barely eating any of it. My plate was nearly clean, but Olivia had only consumed a few bites.

“I think we should do the same. My job isn’t always the safest, and I want you to be well taken care of if something were to happen to me . . . and vice versa.” Dean planted a kiss on Olivia’s cheek.

This whole conversation was odd and definitely not a topic for a dinner party. Who the hell talks about their life insurance policies with people they barely know?

“I think you and Bryce are right. What’s wrong with betting on death?” Olivia laughed.

“Hear, hear.” Dean raised his glass.

Olivia raised hers. Bryce raised his and then looked to me. I followed suit, begrudgingly.

“Cheers to death.” Bryce chuckled. They all tipped back their glasses, extinguishing their laughter with red wine.

I cringed at the very idea of it—toasting to death. I perched the glass to my mouth, letting the red liquid pass my lips, slither across my tongue, and slide down my throat . . . What did I get myself into?



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