In the Company of Wolves (SWAT, #3)(75)

Jayna wasn’t sure she could do that. She looked at Dixon. Up close, he didn’t seem as scary as before. “You’re an alpha. Can’t you do it?”

Dixon shook his head. “I’m an alpha but not her alpha. It has to be you.”

Jayna looked down at Megan again. The bullet wound was bleeding even more now, and her face was pale and pinched.

“We’re losing her,” Trey said sharply.

The tears Jayna had been holding back ran down her cheeks.

Eric squeezed Jayna’s hand, placing his other one on her back and making gentle circular motions. “You can do this, Jayna. You’re stronger than you think.”

Jayna looked into his eyes, amazed at the confidence she saw there. She swallowed hard. If Eric believed in her, she would believe in herself. He hadn’t been wrong about her yet.

She glanced at Moe, Chris, and Joseph to see them regarding her with that same confidence.

She took a deep breath and turned back to Megan. “Hold on, Megan. Just a little longer, okay? Alex is almost done taking out the bullet. And when it’s out, the pain will be gone and everything will be all better.”

She waited for Megan to squeeze her hand, to give her some indication that she was listening, but her hand lay limply in Jayna’s.

“We’ll stay together and be a pack, Megan—you, Moe, Chris, Joseph, and me,” Jayna promised, fighting back another rush of tears. “We’re going to stay here in Dallas, and we’re going to find an amazing place to live. Big enough for all of us—Eric too if he wants. You’re going to have a room all to yourself, and my room will be right beside yours. We’ll put Joseph in the room farthest away. I know his snoring keeps you awake at night.”

Beside her, Eric smiled.

Jayna kept talking even after Alex had the bullet out and Trey announced that Megan was getting stronger by the second. Jayna had so many things to say that she couldn’t stop talking. Jayna told Megan how important she was to the pack and to her especially.

When Jayna stopped to a take a breath, she realized that both Eric and Megan were looking at her with tears in their eyes and smiles on their faces. Everyone else, including Moe, Chris, and Joseph, had moved away, giving them privacy.

“Wow,” Megan said softly. “I don’t think I’ve heard you talk that much since I’ve known you. When you get going, you don’t stop, do you?”

Jayna bent and kissed her on the forehead. “I guess I don’t.”

“We’re really going to stay here in Dallas, right?” Megan asked. “You weren’t just saying that, were you?”

Jayna glanced at Eric to see him grinning at her, even though he looked like complete hell. He was still bleeding from nearly every part of his body. But he looked happy.

“We’re staying if Eric still wants me to,” she said softly.

He leaned close to kiss her. “Of course I want you to stay. I love you, remember?”

Jayna smiled. “That’s good because I never want to leave. It took me a while to figure it out. I had a little help from my friends.” She glanced at Megan. “But I finally realized that I love you too. So much it scares the hell out of me. But I’m ready to face that fear and be with you—to be The One for you. Because you’re The One for me.”

He kissed her again. “Good. And before you even say anything, I know you and your pack are a package deal. And I’m okay with that.”

“Does that mean you’re okay living with us too?” she asked. “Joseph really does snore a lot. And Chris listens to the most godawful country music.”

Eric chuckled. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Jayna felt the weight of the world lift from her shoulders. Loving her was one thing. Loving her pack was another. She was glad Eric was up for the challenge.

She pulled him in for another kiss, but Megan interrupted.

“Guys, maybe that should wait until Trey and Alex get a look at Eric. He’s bleeding all over me.”

Chapter 16

“You guys throw these things year-round, even when the weather is this cold?” Jayna asked as she and Eric cuddled together on one of the picnic benches at the SWAT compound, watching Cooper work the grill.

“Year-round,” Trey answered from beside Max on one of the other nearby benches. Alex was sitting opposite them, devouring a burger. “If it gets really cold, we move most of the party inside. Except for the grill, of course. Whoever’s cooking gets stuck outside for most of the day.”

Jayna shook her head. Yep, these SWAT guys were officially crazy. It had to be fifty degrees out here and most of them were in shorts and T-shirts. Heck, Cooper wasn’t even wearing a shirt as he stood over the grill flipping chicken and ribs. But she had to admit, while he might be crazy, the man knew how to cook. The food was amazing! And watching Cooper run around with his shirt off didn’t make her complain either. She was totally and insanely in love with Eric, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t appreciate a fine specimen of manliness when she had the chance to gawk.

She wasn’t the only one. Tuffie, the pit bull mix and pack’s resident mascot, was glued to Cooper’s side as he cooked. Okay, the occasional piece of food the SWAT cop tossed her way may have had something to do with it, but Jayna was pretty sure the pooch didn’t mind admiring those rippling abs of Cooper’s. The girl was practically grinning, she looked so happy to be standing beside the hunky guy.

Paige Tyler's Books